I wonder what skin problems mermaids face. Does their skin ever get dry and wrinkled up while they live their entire lives underwater? Ariel can dream of being human all she wants but if she’s got skin like a true reptile, then maybe it’s better down where it’s wetter.
On the other hand, I shudder at the image of the chilling, eerie depths of the ocean, where even the fishes have their own built-in lights so they can see. Maybe being human is better after all. And if you really don’t want scales to go with, especially sometimes after piling your face with so much makeup that your skin goes dry, here’s a product you can and should try – the Vichy Aqualia Thermal Night Spa.
I’m not going to lie; I love this product! I was initially quite apprehensive of trying this nighttime mask out because, well, it’s blue.