
Art & Design

    I attended the official opening of the Lasalle Show 2012 at the campus itself last Thursday. Just a brief introduction: Lasalle College of the Arts is an institution located in Singapore for the education of creative arts. This includes anything from fashion design, interior design, dance, animation art and broadcast media. The Lasalle Show is a showcase of the works of this year’s graduating batch of students. Here is a compilation of some of the awesome masterpieces I got to see first-hand, and I hope you gain some inspiration from them!


    My sister's design! Titled "Alters," it's inspired by dissociative identity disorder. Those bronze bits are skulls.


    Stylish convenience at the airport.


    Eco-friendly solution for plant lovers.


    Cool and simple kitchen set.


    Cooking made easy. I love this invention! Each compartment can be used as different cooking tools like "oven" or "steamer."


    Shower unit in a cruise ship. Or if you have your own.


    Some really interesting designs.


    Each presentation has a write-up explaining the idea behind it. This one explains the next two pictures.


    I want a mirror like this! WANT!


    Loving the Sephora palette, lashes and blush!


    This one's about the next two pictures.


    The colour theme for this installation.


    Britney Spears, anyone?




    Many pictures featured by the students.


    A book on vintage fashion and style.


    Interesting installation. Magazine spread in 3D.


    Something for the babies too! I want that rabbit! So cuddly cute!


    Self-designed badges.


    Self-designed stickers.


    Play a game with dice.


    This reminds me of Yubaba in Spirited Away.


    True indeed!


    Stationery in black and white.


    How to use The Kit: Tick. Spot a stranger. Smile and give.


    A DJ spinning console. Or something that resembles it.


    Another one of my favourites. Harry Potter cover remade into 3D. There are other versions of the other Harry Potter books too but I still love this the most. Something about pearl, black and red...


    Something for the girly girl.


    Typography come to life.


    An innovative way to help with diet planning (in the healthy sense).


    The Thesis and the Manifesto go hand in hand.


    Lovely accessories for the fashionista.


    More photographs to satisfy your fashion cravings.


    These are most of the pictures that I managed to take with my sister’s iPhone 4S. What I saw was not even half of the works on display but I didn’t have the energy to finish viewing everything being exhibited. There is no doubt that the students from Lasalle are talented in their own ways and congratulations to those who graduate this year! If any of you would like to check out the Lasalle Show 2012, it’s open to the public till 7th June 2012 free of charge. I say it’s a great idea for a date!





    Cutting board and bin via {link url="http://thefarmchicks.typepad.com/farmchicks/2011/05/kitchen-planning.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2FfWTY+%28The+Farm+Chicks%29&utm_content=Google+Reader"}The Farm Chicks{/link}.



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