
Best Type of Investment

    Office Boss Lady via The Skinny Scout

    No, I’m not talking about property, stocks, bonds and funds. I’m not even referring to insurance, wine or Rolex watches. Sit for a minute, and ask yourself: What is the best type of investment, ever?


    The answer is quite simple: You.


    That’s right, you’re the best investment you can ever make and here’s why.

    You control all your other investments.

    When you invest in yourself, you learn and grow. You learn about all the other types of investments you can make, and you will gain enough knowledge to be able to independently decide which options are the best for you at any specific point in time. Because you know how to play the game, you put yourself in a good position. Simply put, you know your stuff. And when you know your stuff, you don’t take BS and less people will play around with you.



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