
Contouring Tips


    Australis AC On Tour Contouring & Highlighting Kit

    The Australis AC On Tour Contouring & Highlighting Kit.


    Got your cuppa? Ready? OK, here’s the question of the day: How do you find out about new products besides reading them on blogs?


    Just a couple of weeks ago, while waiting for our dinner date, I walked past a Metro outlet and found out it was having a moving out sale. Obviously I went in to have a look at the beauty department, wondering if I would be able to find some hidden gems at a fraction of the original retail price. I chanced upon a shelf filled with Australis products, and something about the hot pink-on-black packaging of the Australis AC On Tour Contouring & Highlighting Kit tugged at my heart strings. The tester was wide open, tempting me with all six shades of the palette.


    I went away after some time (there were three of the palettes left at this point) but couldn’t help reading online reviews on the palette throughout dinner. Poor Mr. Ratatouille had to bear with my, “I think I need a contour palette,” and my, “I don’t have one. Now’s a good time to get it!” and finally my, “Let’s go back and take another look.” So, with our tummies satisfied (they serve the best pancakes ever at Paddington House of Pancakes), we went back to the beauty counter. That’s when I found only two of the three palettes left. I hurriedly grabbed the nicer looking one, just in time before another girl took the last one right after me.


    And I can’t say it enough, that this is one purchase I’ve never regretted.


    A photo posted by Roxanne C. (@lacedivory) on


    The palette has six shades in all – 3 highlighting shades and 3 contouring shades. The shades don’t have individual names but are simply numbered from 1 to 6. Shades 1, 2 and 3 are the three highlighting shades at the top row, while shades 4, 5 and 6 are the contouring shades at the bottom.


    From other reviews I’ve read, most people are madly in love with shade 2, calling it the “banana shade” and gush about how awesome it is as an under-eye colour. However, it seems that the not-so-good things about this palette are that the contouring shades can’t be blended easily and that there are way too many shades in total.


    Here’s what I think:


    Australis AC On Tour Contouring & Highlighting Kit

    The Australis AC On Tour Contouring & Highlighting Kit.


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