

    TANGS Sale

    by Roxanne C.


    The TANGS Sale is back again! I love the mailer this time round. It’s really got this spring-feel to it and I love it! Flowers blooming, bees and butterflies fluttering about out from their deep slumber (do they hibernate?), trees becoming full and lush again; I think even rainbows want to come out and play.

    TANGS and Citibank cardmembers previews are on the 17th (Wed) and 18th (Thurs) March 2010. To view more details, click here to see the cool online brochure.

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    by Roxanne C.

    an interesting start to today! first up, there are two big sales going on this weekend, so babes, get your purses ready! don’t spend money on your cappuccinos and expensive …

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