
Importance of Detachment

    Bali Lounging The Skinny Scout

    This year has been such a crazy ride so far but if there’s one thing that really struck me, it’s that of self discovery. I’ve always been the reflective kind of person, and my brain is always on overdrive (blame it on the crazy education system, where if your brain wasn’t working, you’d already be lagging behind). So when I get some empty pockets of time – like now – it starts to get lots of crazy ideas and most of which aren’t positive.


    I’ve learnt the importance of positive thinking, and that what you focus on multiplies and shows up in real life. Positive thinking isn’t about denying the negativity in your life. It’s about acknowledging the bad or not so good, allowing yourself to feel those emotions, and then telling yourself that you can do something about it to create a better outcome.


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