
my dream life

    My Dream Life by The Skinny Scout
    via @kjp

    They say it’s important to start each day on a positive note, and frankly I quite agree with that.

    Yesterday was quite meh, because smarty-pants me went for a new fat blasting Pilates class at 9.30am and was lost 70% of the time, so I didn’t enjoy the class as much as I should have. Didn’t help that the instructor commented that I looked so serious – I can’t help it if I’m not 100% awake, pumped and ready to go so early on Monday, and if I’m trying to see what the other girls are doing so I can do the same. And I have an RBF so God help me.

    But I’m glad to have gotten some work done that afternoon all the same. Sometimes you just need discipline even though you started off on the wrong foot.

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